Guest Post & Link Exchange Opportunities

Share Your Travel Stories with WeTourAmsterdam

At WeTourAmsterdam, we are passionate about delivering luxurious private tour experiences. We invite fellow travel enthusiasts, writers, and photographers to contribute to our blog, helping to enrich the travel experience of our clientele.

What We’re Looking For

  • Destination-Specific Guides and Articles: Detailed articles about cities and attractions in and around Amsterdam, focusing on providing a luxury experience. Examples include guides to Rotterdam, The Hague, or tips for enjoying Keukenhof Gardens.
  • Luxury Travel Experiences: Inspiring stories or articles that highlight luxury travel, unique private tours, or exceptional service experiences in the Netherlands and beyond.
  • High-Quality Photography: Each article should be accompanied by professional-quality photographs that reflect the luxury of the experience.

Submission Guidelines

  • Word Count: Articles should have a minimum of 800 words, depending on the depth of content.
  • Professional Quality: Articles must be well-written and edited for grammar and style. Please ensure content is original and not published elsewhere.
  • Photos: Include at least 10 high-quality images (1600px wide for horizontal, 975px for vertical). Images must be your own or you must have the rights to use them.
  • Original Content: All submissions must be original and exclusive to WeTourAmsterdam.
  • Author Bio: Include a short bio with links to your social media or personal travel blogs.

How to Submit

  1. Idea Pitch: Contact us via our contact form with your story idea or article pitch.
  2. Submission: Upon approval, send your article through email along with your photographs and a brief author bio.
  3. Photo Submission: Photos can be shared via a secure link (Google Drive or WeTransfer).

Backlink Exchange Guidelines

At WeTourAmsterdam, we understand the value of mutual benefits in enhancing online visibility and SEO. If you’re interested in exchanging backlinks, here are our guidelines:

  • Relevance: Links must be relevant to travel, luxury experiences, or topics directly connected to our services and destinations.
  • Quality: We only accept links from reputable sources that enhance our content’s value and trustworthiness. Websites should be well-maintained and content-rich.
  • Non-Competitive: Links should be complementary and not in direct competition with our services. They should add value to our readers by providing additional information or resources.

How to Propose a Backlink Exchange

  1. Contact Us: Reach out through our contact form to discuss potential link exchanges. Please provide details about your website and how a partnership could be mutually beneficial.
  2. Review Process: Our team will review your proposal and website to ensure it meets our quality standards and relevance criteria.
  3. Confirmation: If approved, we will confirm the details of the link placement and how it will be implemented in the content.

By following these guidelines, we ensure that our website remains a trusted resource for luxury travel while supporting our community of travel writers and partners.

Contact Us

Ready to share your luxury travel story? Reach out through our contact form, and we’ll guide you through the submission process.

We look forward to showcasing your incredible travel stories and experiences!